Jan 21, 2009

For Tace . . .

If you visit here often, you know that I publicly admit to stalking a few people, three in particular . . . Suzan Buckner (Thrifty Collage Artist), Linda Crispell (Linda Crispell), and Tace (All Kinds of Stuff) - all linked on the right side of this blog. I am a well rounded stalker. They are all artists and they all mentor me in one way or many. But they all have their other unique qualities quite deserving on their own to be stalked. I have written about these qualities before and will again, but today it is Tace that gets some attention.

Tace is my favorite writer. She makes me laugh out loud all alone in my house sitting in front of my computer with the my 3 dogs all looking at me funny. If she is very lucky, she gets me to laugh while drinking a beverage - this has happened more than once. You'd think I'd learn. Tace has some extremely funny antics going on over on her blog which include a great Ode to Parallel Parking. So, you have Tace to thank for this picture I am sharing. I was going to keep it all to myself (though I have acquired this image I do not own the copyright an it is free to use and in the public domain) and use it brilliantly someday in a piece of art leaving everyone wondering where I found such a great picture. But, Tace deserves this image. I will someday use it for a piece of art for her and her Great Conquering of the Parallel Parking Procedure!

You are free to download and use this image.

p.s. I have a message at the top of my screen that there is a scheduled blogspot outage at 4 PST today. Just FYI.


Tace said...

You wanna know what's realllllllly funny. Slap a Honda symbol on that little car, leave it long enough to create a little imprint on the car, then have some one steal the Honda symbol off the car (cause you know, thieves need the letter "H" apparently) and then what you have left is an image that looks EXACTLY Like me getting ready to park. Maybe, just maybe there's a slightly more desperate sort of look in my eye than hers, a little more of the "desperately arranging legal defense in my head look" as I perform my amazing parking skills. I always like to be ready in case a copper or someone looks and thinks "She looks like she shouldn't be parallel parking, arrest that mad woman."
Oh and one other very slight difference between me and the lady in the photograph, I would have a crook in my elbow, with my arm pointing up, indicating I would be turning right instead of left. DMV handbook, it's a dang good read. Full of all kinds of interesting tidbits like that, I highly recommend it. I wonder if there's like a DMV handbook book club. I should start one.
I wonder what the symbolism of a octagonal sign with the word "stop" is. I personally think the author is trying to convey feelings of inadequacy and latent inhibitions that stem from a traumatic childhood, possibly involving some sort of incident with a raging Bull. Red stop sign, bulls go nuts when they see red, you can see where I draw my conclusions from.
Thanks again Ms. TumbleFish, you are the bestest stalker in the whole world.

Jamie said...

Marsha, Hi it's Jamie from Art-e-ology. Thanks for sharing Tace. She's great! I wanted to write you and let you know that I am in LOVE with your art. The "Pod" piece is incredible and my favorite is "Moon Queen" Your sense of color and balance and content are so perfectly combined. Just Lovely! I'm going to start stalking YOU! I am adding you to my blog list if that is ok. I have "Teardrop" on my song list too! I also have a cover of it done by Jose Gonzalez that is really beautiful. Run over and listen when you get a chance. AND I almost put "Fade into You" on there yesterday! LOL!!!

My father-in-law is waiting to see if he is ok enough to have surgery like your Father. He is having an angiogram next week to determine if he needs by-pass surgery first. I will keep you and your Family in my thoughts. I know how nerve racking it is waiting.

Have a wonderful day sweetie! Love, Jamie

Tumble Fish Studio said...

"indicating I would be turning right instead of left. DMV handbook, it's a dang good read. Full of all kinds of interesting tidbits like that" Ooooohhhhh, that's what that means. I always thought the people doing that were just being friendly and waving at me (sometimes strangely) or pointing out something interesting to look at!

Oh Tace, you make me laugh so effortlessly. I can just picture you using your arm to turn - bet you do, don't you! I'll join the book club with you - it would be the most fun thing to do at any time, to go through the DMV handbook with YOU!

Tumble Fish Studio said...

Jamie - I went and commented your last post on your blog in reply. Shoulda done it here but I got too excited!

pinkglitterfae said...

hi Marsha, I've been enjoying your blog, and your fantastic artwork. You are so creative, I wish I could do what you do....
I pray everything works out for your poor dad.

House of Hullabaloo said...


I think - You are funny. I love reading your comments! They are always making me laugh out loud!